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PInvoke Error in .NET 4: Array size control parameter index is out of range
The (potentially) dark side of parallelism…
Exposing any class as a WCF endpoint…



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# Saturday, November 19, 2011
Saturday, November 19, 2011 7:45:14 AM (Central Standard Time, UTC-06:00) ( .NET 4 | Perfmon | Performance )

So in a code-base I was working in yesterday, we use PInvoke to call out to the Performance Data Helper (PDH) API’s to collect performance information for machines without using Perfmon.  One of those PInvoke calls looked like this:

PDH_STATUS PdhExpandCounterPath(
LPCTSTR szWildCardPath,
LPTSTR mszExpandedPathList,
LPDWORD pcchPathListLength
[DllImport("pdh.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
private static extern PdhStatus PdhExpandCounterPath(
string szWildCardPath,
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeParamIndex = 3)] char[] mszExpandedPathList,
ref uint pcchPathListLength

In .NET 3.5 and below, this PInvoke call works perfectly fine.  In .NET 4.0, though, I saw this exception:

Cannot marshal 'parameter #2': Array size control parameter index is out of range.
at System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.InternalPrelink(IRuntimeMethodInfo m)
at System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Prelink(MethodInfo m)

So, can you identify what’s wrong in the code above?

Well, the Array size control parameter index indicates the zero-based parameter that contains the count of the array elements, similar to size_is in COM.  Because the marshaler cannot determine the size of an unmanaged array, you have to pass it in as a separate parameter.  So in the call above, parameter #2, we specify “SizeParamIndex = 3” to reference the pcchPathListLength parameter to set the length of the array.  So what’s the catch?

Well, since the SizeParamIndex is a zero-based index, the 3rd parameter doesn’t really exist.  So, to fix this, we just change the “SizeParamIndex=3” to “SizeParamIndex=2” to reference the pcchPathListLength:

PDH_STATUS PdhExpandCounterPath(
LPCTSTR szWildCardPath,
LPTSTR mszExpandedPathList,
LPDWORD pcchPathListLength
[DllImport("pdh.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
private static extern PdhStatus PdhExpandCounterPath(
string szWildCardPath,
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeParamIndex = 2)] char[] mszExpandedPathList,
ref uint pcchPathListLength

It looks like in .NET 3.5 and below, though, we allowed you to reference either 1-based index or a zero-based index but in .NET 4.0, we buttoned that up a bit and force you to use the zero-based index.    Big thanks to my co-worker and frequent collaborator, Zach Kramer for his assistance in looking at this issue.

Until Next Time!

# Sunday, December 5, 2010
Sunday, December 5, 2010 12:52:17 PM (Central Standard Time, UTC-06:00) ( .NET 4 | ASP.NET | Parallel | Performance )

Read a great blog entry by Scott Hanselman recently talking about the parallel dilemma that I’m sure we’ll see folks face in the future with the (old/new) Parallel classes.  I wanted to add a few things to this discussion as he focused on the mechanics of the parallel requests but maybe not the potential effects it could have on the macro view of your application.  This was originally written as an e-mail I sent to my team but thought others might find it interesting.

There will be an inclination by people to use the new Parallel functionality in .NET 4.0 to easily spawn operations onto numerous background threads.  That will generally be okay for console/winform/wpf apps – but could also be potentially bad for ASP.NET apps as the spawned threads could take away from the processing power and threads available to process new webpage requests.  I’ll explain more on that later. 

For example, by default, when you do something like Parallel.ForEach(…) or some such, the parallel library starts firing Tasks to the thread pool so that it can best utilize the processing power available on your machine (oversimplification but you get the idea).  The downside is that the thread pool contains a finite number of worker threads threads available to a process.  Granted, you have about 100 threads per logical processor in .NET 4 – but it’s worth noting.

While Scott’s entry talks about the new way to implement the Async pattern, I’ve already seen a bunch of folks use the “Parallel” class because it abstracts away some of the plumbing of the Async operations and that ease of use could become problematic. 

For example, consider this code:

string[] myStrings = { "hello", "world", "you", "crazy", "pfes", "out", "there" };

Parallel.ForEach(myStrings, myString =>

System.Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + ":" + myString +
" - From Thread #" +
Thread.Sleep(new Random().Next(1000, 5000));


This is a very simple implementation of Parallel’izing a foreach that just writes some string output with an artificial delay.  Output would be something like:

11/16/2010 2:40:05 AM:hello - From Thread #10
11/16/2010 2:40:05 AM:crazy - From Thread #11
11/16/2010 2:40:05 AM:there - From Thread #12
11/16/2010 2:40:06 AM:world - From Thread #13
11/16/2010 2:40:06 AM:pfes - From Thread #14
11/16/2010 2:40:06 AM:you - From Thread #12
11/16/2010 2:40:07 AM:out - From Thread #11 

Note the multiple thread ids and extrapolate that out to a server that has more than just my paltry 2 CPUs.  This can be potentially problematic for ASP.NET applications as you have a finite number of worker threads available in your worker process and they must be shared across not just one user but hundreds (or even thousands).  So, we might see that spawning an operation across tons of threads can potentially reduce the scalability of your site.

Fortunately, there is a ParallelOptions class where you can set the degree of parallel’ism.  Updated code as follows:

string[] myStrings = { "hello", "world", "you", "crazy", "pfes", "out", "there" };

ParallelOptions options = new ParallelOptions();
options.MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 1;

Parallel.ForEach(myStrings,options, myString =>

// Nothing changes here


This would then output something like:

11/16/2010 2:40:11 AM:hello - From Thread #10
11/16/2010 2:40:12 AM:world - From Thread #10
11/16/2010 2:40:16 AM:you - From Thread #10
11/16/2010 2:40:20 AM:crazy - From Thread #10
11/16/2010 2:40:23 AM:pfes - From Thread #10
11/16/2010 2:40:26 AM:out - From Thread #10
11/16/2010 2:40:29 AM:there - From Thread #10

Since I set the MaxDegreeOfParallelism to “1”, we see that it just uses the same thread over and over.  Within reason, that setting *should* correspond to the number of threads it will use to handle the request. 

Applying to a website

So, let’s apply the code from the above to a simple website and compare the difference between the full parallel implementation and the non-parallel implementation.  The test I used ran for 10 minutes with a consistent load of 20 users on a dual-core machine running IIS 7.

In all of the images below, the blue line (or baseline) represents the single-threaded implementation and the purple line (or compared) represents the parallel implementation

We’ll start with the request execution time.  As we’d expect, the time to complete the request decreases significantly with the parallel implementation.


But what is the cost from a thread perspective?  For that, we’ll look at the number of physical threads:


As we’d also expect, there is a significant increase in the number of threads used in the process.  We go from ~20 threads in the process to a peak of almost 200 threads throughout the test.  Seeing as this was run on a dual-core machine, we’ll have a maximum of 200 worker threads available in the thread pool.  After those threads become depleted, you often see requests start getting queued, waiting for a thread to become available.  So, what happened in our simple test?  We’re look at the requests queued value for that:


We did, in-fact, start to see a small number of requests become queued throughout our test.  This indicates that some requests started to pile up waiting for an available thread to become available. 

Please note that I’m NOT saying that you should not use Parallel operations in your website.  You saw in the first image that the actual request execution time decreased significantly from the non-parallel implementation to the parallel implementation. But it’s important to note that nothing is free and while parallelizing your work can and will improve the performance of a single request, it should also be weighed against the potential performance of your site overall.

Until next time.

# Friday, September 3, 2010
Friday, September 3, 2010 1:41:11 AM (Central Daylight Time, UTC-05:00) ( .NET 4 | WCF )

Often, I’ll have a customer that wants to utilize a new feature in the .NET framework but they don’t necessarily know where to start or they have a large investment in another area and they’re afraid of the amount of rework required to get something working.  This week, for example, I was teaching a customer about WPF and they asked:

“We have several class libraries and we’d like to expose them as WCF services.  How can we do it?”

Yes, it was a bit off-topic from WPF but not really.  I’ve found that when a customer chooses to start investing in a newer technology, like WPF, I’ve found that they also want to look at ways to revamp their existing applications to use other new features.  But I digress…

In pre-.NET 4.0, if you wanted to expose a class as a WCF endpoint and make it available in IIS as an SVC file, you would have to do the following:

  1. Create a new WCF Service (in the same category as WebSite).
  2. Add  a bunch of new “WCF Service” classes (files with an extension of “.SVC”).
  3. Write some code to call out to your existing class library from the WCF Service.

It’s not exactly a painful experience but would require a bit of work to get everything up and running.  In many cases, if you have a huge investment in something like a class library, the amount of work may be incredibly daunting.  Fortunately, using some of the features in WCF 4 (part of .NET 4), this type of story is ridiculously easy.  The steps that we’ll follow are the following:

  1. Decorate your existing class.
  2. Add configuration.
  3. Deploy to IIS

Then, I’ll discuss additional options for debugging your new service.

Step 1:  Decorate your existing class

So, I’m sure we all have a class in some Class Library somewhere that looks like this:

public class MyBusinessLogic

public string GetName(int id)

return "My ID is: " + id;


public MyDataClass GetEmpInformation(int id)

return new MyDataClass()
FirstName = "Greg",
LastName = "Varveris",
Occupation = "Developer"


This is just a simple little business logic class that exposes two public methods – GetName and GetEmpInformation.  So, let’s say we wanted to make this class accessible as a WCF service.  The first thing we need to do is add a reference to the .NET 4 version of System.ServiceModel in our Class Library project. 


I’ve included a screenshot to our left just to further show that there is no special sauce here.  All of the assemblies being referenced in this project are straight up class library defaults.  Now that we have the assembly referenced, let’s decorate our class with two attributes:

  • ServiceContract – This decorates our class and tells .NET that we have a WCF Service.
  • OperationContract – This decorates our methods and tells .NET which methods/functions we want to expose in our service.

The decorated class will now look like:

public class MyBusinessLogic

public string GetName(int id)

return "My ID is: " + id;


public MyDataClass GetEmpInformation(int id)

return new MyDataClass()
FirstName = "Greg",
LastName = "Varveris",
Occupation = "Developer"


And really that’s all you have to do from the code side.

Step 2:  Add Configuration

WCF configuration has always been synonymous with “WOAH” before.  Even using the great configuration editor tool, you may end up with a large amount of XML in your .config file.  This is mostly because WCF is just so darn extensible.  Well, for our scenario, we’ll use some great new features in WCF 4 to make the configuration a breeze:

  • File-less Activation
  • Default Configuration model

You can read-up about each of these features in the nice MSDN documentation. Basically, WCF 4 exposes the ability to map a file-name to a class and then it can expose a default endpoint (using BasicHttpBinding).  For our scenario my entire config file is:

<add relativeAddress="MyBusinessLogic.svc" service="WCFSample.Library.MyBusinessLogic"/>
<serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="true"/>

That’s it.  In the first snippet, we are adding a relative address of “MyBusinessLogic.svc” which will point to our MyBusinessLogic class we defined above.  The second section along the bottom is just to enable the service metadata. 

The only minor manual snafu you’ll need to handle is that Visual Studio won’t let you add a web.config to a Class Library project.  This can be easily remedied in a variety of ways.  I just added an app.config to my project and then changed the name from “app.config” to “web.config”.  Then, you just need to tell it to Copy to the output directory.  This makes our project look like the following:


Step 3:  Deploy to IIS

Now that we have our minuscule configuration and trivial decorations to our class, we need to host our service somewhere.  For this, we’ll just use IIS with an ASP.NET 4.0 application pool.  The structure of this folder will need to have the assemblies in a “bin” folder and the web.config in the root.


The bin folder is required so that the IIS engine can find your assembly.  Once you configure this in IIS, you can simply navigate to your service (make sure you include the SVC in your url) in a browser and you’ll see the glorious WCF Service start page. For example, on my machine, when I navigate to: http://localhost/SampleWCFService/MyBusinessLogic.svc, I’ll see:


Debugging your service

So you have created your service, added configuration to it and deployed it to your hosting environment and everything is running smoothly.  What if you want to debug the service in Visual Studio?  Well, you really have 3 different options:

  1. Attach to the instance of w3wp hosting your WCF service.
  2. Cassini…errr, the ASP.NET Development Server.
  3. IIS Express

I personally prefer either options 2 or 3 as it provides that seamless debugging experience we all crave where we just hit the “Green Arrow” to start the debugging session.  With either option you select, we’ll need to make one or two minor configuration changes.

First, we’ll need to tell the solution to start our process.  For this, you can right-click on your solution file in the Solution explorer and select “Properties”.  In this window, you’ll need to select the Multiple Startup Projects radio button and set both of your projects (the Client and the Service) to the “Start” option.


Second, you’ll need to add a pre/post-build step for your service to structure the output folder correctly.  Since we will deleting the contents of the “Bin” folder wherever our assemblies are being output, the command we will use is:

if exist "$(TargetDir)bin" del /q "$(TargetDir)bin\*.*"

Then, for our post-build step, we will need to create the bin folder if it doesn’t exist and then copy over our DLL’s into that bin folder.  Those commands will be:

if not exist "$(TargetDir)bin" mkdir "$(TargetDir)bin"
copy "$(TargetDir)\*.dll" "$(TargetDir)\bin"
copy "$(TargetDir)\*.pdb" "$(TargetDir)\bin"
del "$(TargetDir)\*.dll"
del "$(TargetDir)\*.pdb"

That will take our output directory from zero to hero quite nicely:


Now that the prerequisites are met, we just need to point our local hosting tool (either the Development Server or IIS Express) at that folder.  We’ll do this in the Debug tab of the project properties.   Set the “Start External Program” radio button and set the path to:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\microsoft shared\DevServer\10.0\WebDev.WebServer40.EXE

Then, in the Command Line Arguments, specify the following:

/path:"<path to folder containing bin & web.config>"

Then, you can set a Service Reference on whatever vpath you chose above.  For example, my service reference points to:  http://localhost:12345/myservice/MyBusinessLogic.svc

Once the service reference is set, you can just hit the fancy green arrow to start debugging:

